Tag: takeaction

09.23.2020 /


Fear of the unknown. Of starting a family. Of taking any risk.

Should I? What if this goes wrong? What if I fail? I don’t know if I can do it. I know I want to, but the fear of the unknown, the uncertainty, is preventing me from doing it. So we wait. And wait. And wait. Even though your gut, your intuition, is damn near screaming at you to do it. Does this sound familiar?

These are common questions, thoughts, concerns that run through all of our minds before any big decision. As they should.

Even before Meaghen and I were engaged, I really wanted to propose but I thought about everything: how would I afford a ring? How would I afford a wedding? A child? A new home? All of that overwhelmed me. I felt at times I couldn’t even take care of myself.

I spoke with my aunt and uncle for advice. They talked to me about taking a leap of faith. What they said really stuck with me: Sometimes you are unsure of how everything will work out. But if you truly believe, in your heart, it is something that you need to do, you must take that leap of faith. Focus on one thing, then do whatever you need to do to figure it out and most importantly have faith in yourself, Universe, God. Have courage, take the next step, put in the daily work and have faith. If you do that whole heartedly, everything just seems to work out. Someway, somehow.

It seemed so far fetched for me. But it was something that I know I needed to do. Once I commited to buying the ring I put in work. I meditated on it, I journaled on it, I asked for help (in my mind). It’s crazy when you just put it out there, the universe, God conspires to help you.

That same week I gained 5 clients. They seemed to drop in my lap. They all reached to me. Boom, just like that, within a couple months I had enough cash to put aside to buy the ring!

For me, starting my own business was scary enough. As an entrepreneur, things aren’t stable. Clients come and go. And I’m always feeling like I’m having to try and “sell.” But I had to really have faith in myself and my ability to do the work. The most important thing was to have faith in my ability to figure it out. That was the game changer. Even if I didn’t know how, at the time, I had to have faith that it would work itself out.

And here we are. Almost one year later. With a beautiful, healthy baby boy. And it is all just working out. And it feels right.

I reflect on where I think I should be versus where I am. I create stress and suffering within myself because I think I’m supposed to be farther ahead. With business. With finances. With a home etc… But then I hold my son and realize that I am exactly where I need to be. When we can let go of those expectations but still strive to be better each day, life becomes more free. We live with more ease. With more joy. With more love and more happiness. In the end, that is truly what life is all about.

I have no idea what the future holds but I will keep waking up early and doing the best I can each and every day. And when I want to give up, I remind myself “DO IT FOR THEM.”

Fucking grateful,
Stephen Albert Ramos

01.03.2020 /

How to achieve your goals in 2020

First off, the foundation behind all of this, is your WHY.

Your purpose, your mission in life. Your big-picture goal. Or guiding northstar. The thing that will keep you going even when you don’t want to.

“If you don’t understand your why, then goals become easy to discard” – Aubrey Marcus

For me, my mission in life is to live and share my store to empower others to be better versions of themselves mentally and physically. It took me a while to figure it out but with the help of some friends and the “Go For Your Win” Course by Aubrey Marcus, I was able to nail down and refine my Why. Not to say it’ll change but it’s a great start to get me on my way.

It helps if your mission / purpose is bigger than you. To me, that means I have no option not to do it. God/Universe has blessed me with a unique gift that I must dig deep to find and share that with the world. Most importantly, I can’t let my clients, friends, and supporters down. It is my duty to uphold each and every day to put in the work that is necessary to achieve my goals so that I can help as many people as I possibly can. That’s what helps me do the thing, when I don’t want to do the thing. It is my northstar.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not perfect and definitely not always 100% productive. I’m human, just like we all are. We are not perfect. But what we can do is strive for excellence to help us learn, get better and refine our approach at whatever it is we’re trying to do.

So before anything, do what you can to figure out what your WHY is. It doesn’t have to be perfect but it can be a start.

1. Find your WHY

The next step is to ask yourself the right questions:

2. What did I learn in 2019 about myself? Good and bad
3. What can I have done better?
4. What goal(s) do I want to achieve?
5. What habits and discipline will I implement in 2020 to help me grow towards my goal? (Can be broken into different categories: professional, personal, finance, relationships, health, spiritual)
6. Make a plan of action with a narrowed focus.
7. Take action. EVERYDAY.

Self introspection / self reflection is a must if you want to make change in your life and to achieve your goals.

Most importantly, have unwavering faith in yourself. Surround yourself with people that support and elevate you to a higher level. Cut out the rest. AND PUT IN THE F*CKING WORK.

You got this. I believe in you.

Much love,
Steve Ramos