Tag: dream

02.05.2020 /

Live your dream, NOW

” Those times when you get up early and you work hard, those times when you stay up late and you work hard, those times when you don’t feel like working, you’re too tired and you don’t want to push yourself, but you do it anyway.

That is actually the dream.

-Kobe Bryant
Retirement speech

My personal training client, Frank Veert is the embodiment of just that. When we met 4 years ago his dream was to be GM of a car dealership. 4 years later he is now partner of a dealership. Youngest in Canadian history. He’s been putting in work since he was a young teen, for years. He had a vision since he was young, he believed in himself and put in work, everyday. He is living proof that anything is possible. And he is living the dream, now. Beyond proud and grateful for him.

I’ve been watching Kobe’s retirement speech, and all of his other videos, over and over. Reminiscing and learning from the greatest of all time. The legacy he has left the world is forever cemented in history. His hard work, lessons and wisdom he has shared with the world makes me feel so sad for him and his family but also makes me extremely proud to have grown up in his era. Idolizing Kobe for the athlete he was but more so, for the man he became.

I wake up every morning. 5am. It’s pitch black outside. I meditate, journal, train. And I struggle, a lot. Everyday. But I keep doing it. However, lately I’ve caught myself complaining:

“What is this all for? Does anyone even care? I feel so alone.”

Listening to him talk about how he would wake up at 4 am, train, build the fundamentals, work on his weaknesses, and put in work while everyone was still sleeping, everyday, honestly made me feel so much better about my path and makes me feel not alone. Knowing that he did this for himself and look at the impact he has left around the world. It makes me want to work harder.

Instead of complaining about what I’m doing, I need to enjoy it. Enjoy the struggle. Know that it is part of the process of becoming who I always wished of becoming. And know that this is all for something, for someone out there, who can maybe be inspired by my discipline and relentless work. Just like Kobe has and will continue to, for millions out there.

By consistently putting in the work, over time, greatness will happen. Not by what we accomplish but just like Kobe said – Who we become in the process that is the dream. That is greatness.

We all wish we could be in a certain position, or make a certain amount of money and have this and that. But in the end it has nothing to do with that. It’s the path – the dirt road, the smooth road, the ups, the downs, the good, the bad, ALL OF IT –  that builds, makes and moulds who we are. Our character. Our spirit of who we always wished to be. The crazy thing is, that can be NOW. If actively decide and we honour the struggle. The times we wake up and don’t want to do it. But push through and do it anyway. If we continue to put in the work, everyday. We can live OUR DREAM, NOW.

Just like Kobe taught us. If you do the work and work hard enough. Dreams do come true.

So I am going to challenge myself, and challenge YOU – Honour the struggle. Truly enjoy it. Learn from every experience to be better. Work hard, everyday. Believe in yourself and know it is for something or someone out there, that need YOU.

” It’s not the destination it’s the journey… You won’t accomplish your dreams. Something greater will happen.

-Kobe Bryant
RIP forever my friend

I am truly grateful for you. Your legacy lives on forever.


Stephen Albert Ramos